Age: 37
Experience: 14 years
Specialization: Flavor Blends
I have had a vision of providing the community with smoothies derived from sustainably sourced fruits and vegetables from local growers. A great way to provide the nutrients and minerals that our bodies need without the preservatives and fillers that go into a lot of commercially produced smoothies. My life-long love of holistic and herbal alternatives to traditional medicine has fed my desire to understand nature and the way that various combinations interact together. This long term vision and long term love drove me to create OohWee Smoothies, I hope that you enjoy consuming them as much as I enjoy crafting them.
As a lifelong athlete and sibling to 11 others, I learned early on the value of teamwork. Teamwork is the result of planning, coordination, and execution. Our team is here to provide you with the best experience by adhering to those principles
My goal is to employ members of the local community and develop their smoothie mixology skills in the same way that coffee shops develop the skills of baristas. Our goal is to be a neighborhood institution where others can develop their skills and learn about business leadership
The original social network was the neighborhood, our goal is to establish neighborhood institutions where individuals are able to gather share stories and health journeys together